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Updated: Jan 31, 2021



To reiterate, everything I am writing here is my own conjecture based on nothing other than me taking random bits of facts and rumors to create a possible theory.

I'll begin with my hoped for conclusion. Trump will overturn the election.

It is very important to remember one important fact, what happened with this election is not a surprise to Trump. He has been constantly warning of it for months.

That was not the first or the last time he warned what would happen.

Over and over he warned:

Literally hundreds of times he tweeted, mentioned it in press conferences, talked about it in interviews. He could have not been any clearer in what he believed was going to happen. And then he campaigned as if he knew had to in order to defeat it.

Now an alternative explanation would be that he spent months setting up an excuse for why he would lose. My first answer to that would be, did Donald Trump in the last two months of the campaign show in the least that he believed he would lose the election? Consider the grind of the rally schedule he kept, does that seem like a person who is expecting to lose? Did he ever sound in the least defeated? So why would a man who is a disciple of Norman Vincent Peele, and The Power of Positive Thinking invest so much time preparing for defeat? He wouldn't.

Perhaps more important, there is another person who warned of what was coming, and not someone insignificant or really at all politically though certainly ideologically motivated.

Barr also warned about it on ABC, CBS and FOX. In fact in a more reasoned tone perhaps Bill Barr was as emphatic as Trump that we were inviting disaster and he expected it to happen.

So the question is, did the President of the United States and the Attorney General both suspect there would be wide spread corruption of our election process and do nothing to prepare for it?

Now I am going to throw out some stuff that has happened over the past that is....interesting. They actually may mean nothing, but on the other hand they could be pieces of a puzzle.

In October, Barr put out the word to some "Republican lawmakers" that John Durham was not going to release anything before the election. Trump was, or acted as if he was surprised by this. I ask you, what are the chances that Barr would announce this, even on the side, without letting the President know first? Either way Trump acted as if this was disappointing to him. During this time while this was in the news, I can't remember where this came up, it might even have been during a rally, or in an interview Trump commented on nothing happening with the Durham report before election. He said, or something very close to this, "I'll say this just one time, Bill Barr is a fair guy." When I heard him say that, I wondered why, especially if he was upset at Barr, would he say that. The recent rumor was that Trump was pissed at Barr and that Barr was thinking about leaving before the end, to "protect his reputation." Finally Barr responded with a most interesting statement. "I will stay as long as President Trump needs me." That sounds like something a loyal subordinate would say, not a man on the outs with his boss.

Is it possible, that Durham uncovered something having to do with the upcoming election? Recently we learned that in of October, unannounced, Barr had designated Durham as a special counsel. The speculation is that this would make it more difficult for an incoming Biden Administration to stop the investigation, should Trump lose,which it would. But were there other reasons for this?

The point remains, with so much concern for the potential covid created mail-in ballot problems, why does it appear that both Barr and Trump have been caught unprepared? The narrative is that Trump and his team are simply incompetent and Barr has found nothing, both of which seem to be implausibly real, based on how things appear to be going. One thing that has become obvious during the Trump years is that, the narrative is always wrong.

Now I'm going to throw out some things that are just pieces of a possible puzzle.

The first goes way back. In the beginning, before he was sworn in, Trump had one ally in the "Deep State," Admiral Michael S Rogers. Who? Admiral Rogers was the Director of the NSA (National Security Administration). Admiral Rogers was, like General Flynn, a pariah in the Obama Administration. He was the person that blew the whistle to the FISA Court about abuse of the FISA system back before it became publicly known, before Trump. James Clapper tred to get Obama to fire him, he didn't, probably because it would have caused a controversy near the end of his administration. Rogers was also the man, that without informing anybody went to Trump Tower and met with President -Elect Trump. The next day Trump announced that he was moving his transition team to his resort in New Jersey and in that same time period announced that he was being wiretapped. Rogers was NSA Director until April 2018 when he retired and was replaced by his Lieutenant at the NSA. I have always wondered if Trump, who after all, was Rogers Commander and Chief developed a working relationship that might have continued under Roger's successor.

In the raucous first Trump/Biden debate, the discussion turned to peaceful transition and here in part was Trump said, (emphasis mine)

"So when I listen to Joe talking about a transition, there has been no transition from when I won. I won that election. And if you look at crooked Hillary Clinton, if you look at all of the different people, there was no transition, because they came after me trying to do a coup. They came after me spying on my campaign. They started from the day I won, and even before I won. From the day I came down the escalator with our first lady, they were a disaster. They were a disgrace to our country, and we’ve caught them. We’ve caught them all. We’ve got it all on tape. We’ve caught them all.

What does that mean? If they really do "have them all" what is happening? This is totally speculation, but what if they do "have them all" and "on tape." Why has it not come out? Perhaps they want to explore all other means before they reveal that they actually spied on political opponents themselves. Could Trump and Barr have some proof that they will only use as some last resort? I have no doubt that Trump would blow it all up, but he may be being kept in check by Bill "fair" Barr. Or would the truth be so disrupting to the nation that they are trying to use it in the "background"? Like with select Supreme Court Justices?

As I said this is total speculation on my part, but if what Trump basically blurted out on stage that night is true, which seems likely, then win or lose, Trump will use it. I suspect we can expect that Trump will either drop a hand grenade on the incoming Biden Administration, or Trump and his family will have nothing to worry about when it comes to being harassed by Democrats after he leaves office.

Onto the next kooky thought. Why hasn't Trump fired FBI Director Wray? Especially with no Durham revelations, why is he keeping him around? I suspect it is because Barr wouldn't put up with it if he did, but who knows there could be more to the story. However Trump had absolutely no problem totally turning over the Pentagon. He unceremoniously gave Esper the boot and sent a loyal guy in to replace him. An ex-special forces guy who immediately put the special forces directly under his command. He also sent the guy who, when working under Devin Nunes, first uncovered the Russiagate fiasco.

Either threw replacement or resignation much of the top civilian authority is gone.

Three top senior officials resigned Tuesday, including the undersecretaries for policy and intelligence. Esper's chief of staff also resigned. The moves sparked concern on Capitol Hill that perceived instability at the Pentagon could embolden U.S. adversaries during the presidential transition.
James Anderson, the acting undersecretary for policy, the Pentagon's No. 3 spot, resigned Tuesday and was replaced by Anthony Tata, a retired Army general who once called former President Barack Obama a "terrorist leader."

Why? Remember back at the start of the BLM rioting how Esper publicly stated he was against using troops against rioters? You know that pissed off Trump, you also know that the Pentagon is against drawing down troops from overseas. Trump is moving them out of Afghanistan and other places now, but could there be other reasons too? Could he be making sure he has his people in place should it hit the fan come a sudden reversal of the election? It certainly would be a smart move.

And where is Mark Meadows these past few weeks? Oh, enough of this, it is all just speculation anyway.


This IS NOT a conspiracy theory. This Executive Order is real. I had heard of it but I had never fully understood what it was about or looked into it. December 18th, next Friday is 45 days past election, enjoy, hope You Tube doesn't censor it:

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Updated: Dec 15, 2020

It's The Coverup-part 2

Someday, someone will write a book on the 2020 election in Detroit. There is so much mystery, conflict, and corruption it would probably make a great page turner. I am going to focus on just one small detail of the drama, not a flashy chapter of that book but intriguing nonetheless.

In America we vote at precincts, this is the location where we cast our ballots. It is a division of a division and sometimes another division of a state, meant to make voting and keeping track of voters and votes manageable. States are broken down by counties or parishes, which might be further broken down by cities, towns or townships which are then broken down into precincts.

The most populous county in Michigan is Wayne County, it is where Detroit is located. For elections, Wayne County is broken down as I described above. Below is a picture of Wayne County Precinct level accounting of votes cast in 2020. This particular page is mostly of the City of Allen Park. Notice in Precinct 1 you have all the information about votes cast. There are 1,518 registered voters of which 425 voted on election day (28%), 626 voted absentee- AV Counting Board- (41.24%) for a total turn out 0f 1,051 votes of 1,518 registered voters (69.24%). Simple, easy to understand, easy to verify and audit.

However there is something else on this page that is different. At the top of the page is the last precinct in the City of Detroit, there are 503 precincts in Motown. You will notice that this precinct unlike the others on the page shows no Absentee Ballot count for precinct 503. It is not because there were no absentee votes in this precinct or maybe there weren't, we don't know, because they counted Detroit different this time. Here is a page with just Detroit precincts.

There is no absentee votes in the City of Detroit shown at the precinct level. This is because mail in absentee ballots were not counted at the precinct level this election. They were shipped to the TCF Center in Detroit where they were counted at 134 counting tables.

Since there were only 134 "counting tables" in Detroit while there are 503 precincts this means multiple precincts were counted at these tables. Common sense would seem to suggest that although all of Detroit's absentee ballots were counted in this central location, that the ballots would be assigned back to the precincts from which they came, their home. This did not and presumably will not be done. In reality each of these absentee counting tables is in affect its own precinct. From the Detroit News

The board's votes came after absentee ballot poll books at 70% of Detroit's 134 absentee counting boards were found to be out of balance without explanation. The mismatches varied anywhere from one to more than four votes.
In August, canvassers found 72% of Detroit's absentee voting precincts didn't match the number of ballots cast. The imbalances between August and November are not an exact comparison since August's canvassing was based on results from 503 precincts and November's canvassing was based on 134 counting boards.

August was their Democrat Primary elections when they did it the old fashioned way, they counted absentee ballots at the precinct level. Obviously the switch to central counting did not improve their performance. Putting aside the number of discrepancies in canvassing the count of ballots in this new "controlled" environment, a location with literally hundreds of observers. The vote counting differences at each of these tables may or may not be small, after all one million is more than four votes too, but consider a couple of other very troubling items.

First, they are not allowed to recount votes where the the poll book is "out of balance." What? How ridiculous is that. Perhaps even more troubling is this, we have no way of knowing a couple of important numbers. We do not know how many total people voted in each of the 503 precincts in Detroit, we also do not know the actual turnout in each of those precincts! We do not know how many people voted for ANY candidate by precinct in the entire city of Detroit. This is no small matter, without knowing those two numbers there is no way of determining any potential fraud. Do we know if more votes were cast in a precinct than there are registered voters? That actually happened in other precincts in Michigan.

There is also no way of comparing how many voters that went to the trouble of voting for Trump in a meaningless Republican Primary early in the year voted for him in the general. There are precincts where people did vote for him in the primary but he had no election day votes, did they vote absentee? Though Wayne County shows Detroit's election day vote by candidate and precinct without precinct level absentee count there is no way of determining this important piece of data.

The absentee votes for Detroit are just table orphans, votes with no home and hidden from any real audit or analysis.

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Updated: Dec 15, 2020

It's The Coverup-part 1


There is an old saying regarding political scandals, "It's not the crime, it's the coverup that gets you." When it comes to charges of voter fraud in the presidential election, the coverup is definitely "getting them." Unfortunately as that other old saying goes "If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, did it really fall?"

In this sad, pitiful saga, the simple truth is that if it is not a fraud it would be relatively easy to disprove with open and transparent explanation for all the problems which have created suspicion. For the most part, at every level of the election process this much needed openness has been sorely lacking. In some cases I suspect that this is just a matter of administrators playing CYA, but regardless of the reason there is a coordinated effort, to suppress needed facts that could resolve issues. I want to look at just one, for now, others to follow.

The initial "conspiracy theories" were mostly driven by the numbers on election night. A little background is needed. After the 2000 Florida fiasco, media companies created the National Election Pool (NEP). NEP is the source for many media outlets exit polling and vote reporting. The nuts and bolts of all this is handled by Edison Research . This is from their website-

Vote Count
The NEP provides media organizations with real-time vote results in all 50 states for statewide races, ballot initiatives and House races. The NEP vote count from Edison Research is the only service continuously updated after Election Day. We track every vote until results are certified by all states. Vote count data is available for statewide results, vote by Congressional District, county vote data breakouts for statewide races, and all U.S. House races.
The fastest and most complete vote results
Multiple sources allow Edison Research to provide faster reporting of vote data than any other organization.

Edison collects the real time vote information, primarily from the individual state's secretary of state and sends it out to it's media partners. When they send it out it looks like this.

This is from an excellent article in American Thinker, It's in the Code: Hanky-Panky in Virginia's Votes by Nick Chase. I hope you will read it. Please take note of those decimal numbers, they are a big part of the fraud allegations that I will not get deeply into now.

Literally thousands of technical savvy individuals have taken all that information which was transferred from states to Edison to media outlets. They have put the transmitted data into spreadsheets where it could be analyzed. For the past month those figures from every state have been analyzed and dissected by countless people, and they have some serious unanswered questions.

What they found initially and continue to find appears to be manipulation of votes. Here, from the American Greatness article is what the code above shows:

1. 12:04 AM, total votes 3,524,459; Trump 1,617,727 votes (45.9%), Biden 1,846,817 votes (52.4%).

2. 12:07 AM, total votes 3,572,807; Trump, 1,643,491 votes (46.0%), Biden 1,872,151 votes (52.4%).

3. 12:12 AM, total votes 3,199,165; Trump, 1,605,981 votes (50.2%), Biden 1,541,998 votes (48.2%).

4. 12:26:21 AM, total votes 3,390,813; Trump, 1,678,452 votes (49.5%), Biden 1,654,717 votes (48.8%).

5. 12:26:48 AM, total votes 3,782,386; Trump, 1,758,890 votes (46.5%), Biden 1,963,058 votes (51.9%).

6. 12:30 AM, total votes 3,390,813; Trump, 1,678,452 votes (49.5%), Biden 1,654,717 votes (48.8%).

7. 12:38 AM, total votes 3,439,609; Trump, 1,699,167 votes (49.4%), Biden 1,685,408 votes (49.0%).

8. 12:42 AM, total votes 3,441,979; Trump, 1,700,338 votes (49.4%), Biden 1,686,570 votes (49.0%).

9. 12:43 AM, total votes 3,442,999; Trump, 1,700,841 votes (49.4%) Biden 1,687,070 votes (49.0%).

10. 12:58 AM, total votes 3,488,507; Trump, 1,709,368 votes (49.0%), Biden 1,719,834 votes (49.3%).

11. 1;34 AM, total votes 3,498,592; Trump, 1,717,808 votes (49.1%), Biden 1,724,806 votes (49.3%).

12. 2:17 AM, total votes 3,894,363; Trump, 1,795,301 votes (46.1%), Biden 2,032,857 votes (52.2%).

13. 4:00 AM, total votes 4,157,392; Trump, 1,916,558 votes (44.8%), Biden 2,224,204 votes (53.5%).

14. 4:59 AM, total votes 4,312,181; Trump, 1,927,545 votes (44.7%), Biden 2,315,641 votes (53.7%).

15. 8:02 AM, total votes 4,312,181; Trump, 1,927,545 votes (44.7%), Biden 2,315,641 votes (53.7%).

You can see the obvious problem in lines 4,5 and 6, something happened and Nick Chase explains what he believes was done, and it makes sense. What is undeniable is that in less than 30 seconds almost 400,000 votes were added to the Virginia vote totals then removed, why? It is possible there is another explanation? None has been given. If this was the only such case it might be "no big deal" but literally hundreds if not thousands of such examples exist and everyone from tech nerds and hackers to PHd mathematicians have uncovered potential vote switching, lost votes and other "anomalies" which require an explanation. Brilliant people have taken this potential Edison evidence and reverse engineered it to find very disturbing findings which they cannot explain other than through vote manipulation.

There are countless examples of both candidates having negative votes added to the totals. This can only happen if you are not tabulating votes but rather calculating votes.

Date Time Trump Ttl Biden Ttl Trump Lead Batch T Batch B

11/4/2020 19:34 2392882 2307252 85630 408 393

11/4/2020 19:42 2391099 2310125 80974 -1783 2873

11/4/2020 20:12 2393561 2317272 76289 2462 7147

11/4/2020 20:32 2393562 2317273 76289 1 1

What tabulating process either at the precincts, the state or in transmitting votes to the media would explain this constant finagling with vote totals? Worse, what would explain why batches of votes constantly having identical or near identical percentages for each candidate? It seems like if there is a simple logical explanation for negative votes or any of these other questions that have been raised while they were counting and transmitting votes, someone would just let everyone know, doesn't it?

So the question is, why doesn't Edison or the people who used this information to "call the election" come forward with a reasonable explanation for what seems to be vote stealing? You don't hide the truth if you know the truth won't hurt your cause. Why are all these strange anomalies not being explained?

This a very brief overview of the situation, in this one aspect of many, irregularities that nobody is coming forward to provide an explanation for. This at least involves technical issues where there could be an answer even if difficult to grasp by lay people, other aspects of the voter fraud allegations are far more basic, which I will hopefully write about later.


I thought I would post this and other information relating to the Edison Evidence as updates to this article. There have dozens of such videos and articles over the past month so they may not all be in chronological order but they are all on the same subject matter.

This on is particularly relevant given the video out of Georgia recently and the article about this can be found here:

Below are the vote changes in the above video. One important item which they allude to but do not spell out is "precinct reporting changes which are hard to see on these screenshots they provide in the video.

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