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The Motown Shuffle

Writer's picture: JerJer

Updated: Dec 15, 2020

It's The Coverup-part 2

Someday, someone will write a book on the 2020 election in Detroit. There is so much mystery, conflict, and corruption it would probably make a great page turner. I am going to focus on just one small detail of the drama, not a flashy chapter of that book but intriguing nonetheless.

In America we vote at precincts, this is the location where we cast our ballots. It is a division of a division and sometimes another division of a state, meant to make voting and keeping track of voters and votes manageable. States are broken down by counties or parishes, which might be further broken down by cities, towns or townships which are then broken down into precincts.

The most populous county in Michigan is Wayne County, it is where Detroit is located. For elections, Wayne County is broken down as I described above. Below is a picture of Wayne County Precinct level accounting of votes cast in 2020. This particular page is mostly of the City of Allen Park. Notice in Precinct 1 you have all the information about votes cast. There are 1,518 registered voters of which 425 voted on election day (28%), 626 voted absentee- AV Counting Board- (41.24%) for a total turn out 0f 1,051 votes of 1,518 registered voters (69.24%). Simple, easy to understand, easy to verify and audit.

However there is something else on this page that is different. At the top of the page is the last precinct in the City of Detroit, there are 503 precincts in Motown. You will notice that this precinct unlike the others on the page shows no Absentee Ballot count for precinct 503. It is not because there were no absentee votes in this precinct or maybe there weren't, we don't know, because they counted Detroit different this time. Here is a page with just Detroit precincts.

There is no absentee votes in the City of Detroit shown at the precinct level. This is because mail in absentee ballots were not counted at the precinct level this election. They were shipped to the TCF Center in Detroit where they were counted at 134 counting tables.

Since there were only 134 "counting tables" in Detroit while there are 503 precincts this means multiple precincts were counted at these tables. Common sense would seem to suggest that although all of Detroit's absentee ballots were counted in this central location, that the ballots would be assigned back to the precincts from which they came, their home. This did not and presumably will not be done. In reality each of these absentee counting tables is in affect its own precinct. From the Detroit News

The board's votes came after absentee ballot poll books at 70% of Detroit's 134 absentee counting boards were found to be out of balance without explanation. The mismatches varied anywhere from one to more than four votes.
In August, canvassers found 72% of Detroit's absentee voting precincts didn't match the number of ballots cast. The imbalances between August and November are not an exact comparison since August's canvassing was based on results from 503 precincts and November's canvassing was based on 134 counting boards.

August was their Democrat Primary elections when they did it the old fashioned way, they counted absentee ballots at the precinct level. Obviously the switch to central counting did not improve their performance. Putting aside the number of discrepancies in canvassing the count of ballots in this new "controlled" environment, a location with literally hundreds of observers. The vote counting differences at each of these tables may or may not be small, after all one million is more than four votes too, but consider a couple of other very troubling items.

First, they are not allowed to recount votes where the the poll book is "out of balance." What? How ridiculous is that. Perhaps even more troubling is this, we have no way of knowing a couple of important numbers. We do not know how many total people voted in each of the 503 precincts in Detroit, we also do not know the actual turnout in each of those precincts! We do not know how many people voted for ANY candidate by precinct in the entire city of Detroit. This is no small matter, without knowing those two numbers there is no way of determining any potential fraud. Do we know if more votes were cast in a precinct than there are registered voters? That actually happened in other precincts in Michigan.

There is also no way of comparing how many voters that went to the trouble of voting for Trump in a meaningless Republican Primary early in the year voted for him in the general. There are precincts where people did vote for him in the primary but he had no election day votes, did they vote absentee? Though Wayne County shows Detroit's election day vote by candidate and precinct without precinct level absentee count there is no way of determining this important piece of data.

The absentee votes for Detroit are just table orphans, votes with no home and hidden from any real audit or analysis.


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