Back when I first became interested in global warming (climate change) early on I realized that little things are important no matter how big the problem appears to be. This was driven home by a man named Anthony Watts who is now widely known for his excellent web site Watts Up With That.
Initially his web site was created for a simple but what turned out to be a very important purpose. He sought to record and determine how the placement and design of weather stations which monitor temperature, were skewing the global warming debate. After all a thermometer that took a reading in 1940 Houston would naturally, due to urbanization, read higher in 2020. Airports were a particular problem since over the decades they have become far more massive, with more and larger concrete runways, again skewing the temperature readings. As it turns out, most of temperature recording locations were deeply flawed, resulting in a misrepresentation of global temperature increases.
From the CDC Website
When You Are Fully Vaccinated. People are considered fully vaccinated: 2 weeks after their second shot in a 2-dose series, like the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or; 2 weeks after a single-shot vaccine, like Johnson & Johnson's Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine; COVID-19 vaccines are not interchangeable.
According to the CDC from the time a person receives their first dose until two weeks after their second dose (five weeks) a person is considered unvaccinated.
Let's begin with the simplest aspect of this definition, how it affects data. We know that back in May the CDC decided only to keep data on "break through" cases which resulted in hospitalization or death. In other words data is being kept only on people who were fully vaccinated and end up hospitalized and/or die. There is no record of how many people have been vaccinated and came down with it later. Seems important.
Due to this definition of fully vaccinated and reporting restrictions, if a person contracts covid in those five weeks after their first "jab" they would not be considered vaccinated. If they are hospitalized for covid or for any other reason, they are not considered vaccinated. If a person dies from covid, or any other reason, they are not considered vaccinated during that five week period. A person could get their second dose today, be hospitalized for it next week and die the week after and they would be counted as being unvaccinated and not a "break through" case. This strange definition of fully vaccinated and the even stranger way the CDC has determined to collect the data, intentional or not, brings into question the "true" numbers when it comes to the hospitalization and deaths of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.
This is just how the "fully vaccinated" determination affects the data, it may or may not be a major issue, we don't know, we should know. But there has to be a reason why the more people are vaccinated the greater the surge in cases and deaths becomes. The other reasons are extremely scary so few people are willing to voice them, and neither will I. But the fact that this is not a sterilized vaccine, meaning that a person who receives it can infect others, is in itself a very good starting point.