Just before Russia's invasion of Ukraine took over the news cycle, a very strange though welcome development was beginning to take place. Beginning with Great Britain and spreading quickly across Europe, nations began to quickly dismantle their covid restrictions. Even Australia began to dial back their restrictions. This then spread to blue states in the U.S. and with a couple of exceptions, the race was on to dismantle the covid state which had been built over the past two years. As I said this was not a single nation phenomena, it was basically a reverse of course for the entire western world.
The interesting part of this was this was being done at the very beginning of drop in Omicron cases, or in some cases, while this variant was still increasing in some jurisdictions.
The question is why? Why did even the most ardent "enforcers" begin to reverse course far sooner than their previous actions would indicate they should. I have a theory on this and it is not polling numbers, though that probably helped. I believe that the "vaccine" not only failed in stopping the spread but the side affects are so massive and wide spread they had to stop pushing the covid narrative. The next step will be the silent recall of the vaccine(s).