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The Deep State

Capitol City

Pelosi's haircut was not a political mistake, it is a belief system

As a Tea Party Constitutionalist, sometime libertarian, sometime neo-con, always American type Independent, I watched with utter despair as the Obama administration, often times lawlessly, dismantled and corrupted American institutions. I am not talking about government agencies which need dismantling, I am talking about the institutional ties to our Constitution.

Obama was not the cause of this, he is just the continuation of the Progressive Movement that has been ongoing for well over a century. Most people have no idea what "Progressive" means in a political sense or what their goal is.

The word "progressive" has to do with a division in the Socialist movement that began shortly after Marx began pedaling his nonsense. People who believed in socialism were obviously at odds with a limited government as cherished by most Americans in the nineteenth century. There were often conflicts even violence as they tried to "sell" this new political philosophy to free Americans. American's of the nineteenth century still loved their freedoms and for the most part were unique in having them compared to other nations still largely run by monarchies.

Because of this conflict between constitutional loving Americans and those pedalling socialism, some very astute even brilliant socialist minded individuals determined that trying to change America in the short term would be nearly impossible. Violent revolution would not succeed. So they determined to slowly, patiently change America from within-progressively.

Simply put, the "progressive" philosophy is to dismantle the restraints put on the Federal Government in the Constitution and to replace it with an "Administrative State." The progressive movement's goal was and is to replace Federalism with Socialism. The belief behind progressive philosophy is that We The People are too dumb to rule ourselves and a nation, this nation, would be better served if administrators, technocrats, experts- IE: "elites" ran things. Like socialism this is sold as being, "for the good of the people" or the "common good." They will often couch their deceptive motivations behind constitutional facades such as "to make a more perfect union." But their true goal is the subjugation of America to a elitist system which they control.

The most brilliant aspect of their plan involved taking over (infiltrating) institutions which would have tremendous long term impact on society; particularly the media and the education systems, academia. Many early progressives are considered icons in their respective fields.

As an example of this, one of the most influential journalist of the twentieth century was Walter Lippmann, considered a true icon of journalism, sometimes called "the father of modern journalism." His views and teaching have influenced generations of "journalist." They have not only been taught but expanded upon and left us with what we have today. What were Lippmann's views, what was his philosophy?

Lippman considered the citizens of his nation to be a "bewildered herd" who as a whole were incapable of understanding their world. As he put it , "The real environment is altogether too big, too complex, and too fleeting for direct acquaintance." He disdained the idea of what he called a governing system which was held hostage to a the belief in a "omnicompetent citizen." You can see how Eugenics became a thing among Progressives of his era. Basically his belief was that the will of the people was a serious defect in American governing principles. His ideas on the role of journalism have become almost an industry standard.

The "function of news is to signalize an event, the function of truth is to bring to light the hidden facts, to set them in relation with each other, and make a picture of reality on which men can act." Create a narrative.

For the perfect modern day analogy of what took place in the late nineteenth, early twentieth century, you need only have to look to the life of Bill Ayers, Barack Obama's former colleague and friend. The life of Bill Ayers illustrates why and how the progressive movement came to be. Just like the socialist at the beginning of Marxism in America, Bill Ayers had to adapt to the reality that "making" free people subservient to the state is not easy.

Early on Ayers was an actual bomb throwing radical revolutionary who was getting nowhere in his attempt to "change" America into a socialist state. Nowhere but jail anyway. So he changed career paths, so to speak. Instead of being a revolutionary bomb throwing Marxist, he became a Progressive "educator."

Not just a teacher or a professor, Bill Ayers for the past forty plus years has had a significant influence on education in America. When Arny Duncan , Obama's Education Secretary had one of his first major "symposiums" on education, Bill Ayers was the featured speaker. Bill Ayers typifies the "progressive movement" this is how they operate and have for more than a century. They take their socialist, elitist anti-American founding ideals from the streets and into the halls of power.

Why do you think so many progressive politicians and government officials end up in the media and academia? It is a veritable revolving door of progressive anti Americanism embedding and inbreeding itself into the body politic. In many cases Progressive academics become government administrators. They go from indoctrinating the future through influencing young minds, to the halls of power where they actually dictate the nation's future through control of administrative state. The administrative state whose power has been ceded to them by progressive legislators and judges.

The worst aspect of all this is that since they have totally taken over such influential aspects of society, they have been able to actually create that which they claimed society to be, a "bewildered herd."

The "Deep State" exists not as some shadowy behind the scene entity, but rather is simply progressive ideals come to fruition. An elitist cadre which seeks and for the most part already does control most of what is taught, heard and imposed upon the American public.

America today is far closer to the fictional land portrayed in "The Hunger Games" than any Constitutional Republic created by our Founders and which most Americans believe they live in. Well those Americans that have not been "educated" by the Progressive's "Deep State."

Walter Lippmann's America is becoming a reality, it is just a matter of time before DC is totally transformed into The Capitol of Panem of Hunger Game fame.

Unless we stop it.

[Updated post from April, 2017]

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Robert Burns
Robert Burns
Sep 07, 2020

Very well written and informative. I wish it was not true!

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