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Simple Truths

Writer's picture: JerJer

Simple Truth 1

One of the most commonly used justification for mandated vaccinations for covid, is that vaccinations are required in life all the time, especially for school children. This is simply not true. There is no Federal law mandating that children be vaccinated in order to attend school. From the CDC website:

State laws establish vaccination requirements for school children. These laws often apply not only to children attending public schools but also to those attending private schools and day care facilities. All states provide medical exemptions, and some state laws also offer exemptions for religious and/or philosophical reasons. State laws also establish mechanisms for enforcement of school vaccination requirements and exemptions.

The key here are the words state laws, it is the states which are in charge of the requirements and exemptions. Do states have exemptions for vaccination? They most certainly do.

As you can see ALL state have exemptions from being vaccinated. In most states it is quite easy for a parent to have his child exempted from being vaccinated. As of 2019, 2.5% of school age children were exempted from vaccinations, but the number of children who are not vaccinated without exemptions doubles that number. So to say that a child must be vaccinated to attend school is simply not true. Since vaccinations started millions of children have and still do attend school without being vaccinated. But the larger point is this, the Federal government is not, or has never previously been, the controlling entity when it comes to determining vaccination policy, " State laws also establish mechanisms for enforcement of school vaccination requirements and exemptions. "

I am very much in favor of vaccinations, they have been tremendously beneficial to mankind. Diseases such as polio and small pox which have been the scourge of man for millenniums have been almost eradicated by vaccinations, but never have I been asked to show my smallpox vaccination record in order to be employed, or fly on an airplane. I was not asked for a vaccination record to obtain my passport, yet now in New York, people are required to show a covid vaccination record to enter a bar. Or to be employed by the state, or be a policeman, fireman or healthcare worker. All this for a virus that has a survival rate of over 99% and a vaccine that neither immunizes or keeps you from passing it onto others. Another point about those deadly diseases which we, for the most part, willingly and gratefully take vaccines to protect ourselves from, unlike the covid virus they cannot be carried by other mammals. Not so covid which can find a host in numerous other animals, ensuring that the virus, in some form, can never truly be eliminated.

This vaccine program as it is being abused is not about health, it is about power and money, plain and simple. The fact that the national government is superseding and abusing its authority is not only wrong, it should be terrifying to every freedom loving person. I hope there are enough of us left.


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