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Living in the greenhouse

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

The twenty first century, a new Green Revolution


Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 5


I cannot believe I have to begin this with a simple statement of scientific fact. But due to popular narrative and myth building I think it is necessary to get this out of the way in the beginning.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) does not heat anything. It generates no heat at all. Everyone, even the most committed "warmist" know this, they know that CO2, as a greenhouse gas has, of itself, no capacity to heat anything. Like oxygen and nitrogen which comprise the vast majority of our atmosphere, carbon dioxide is a harmless, odorless and colorless gas.

Yet CO2 has been so vilified in the narrative of "climate change" that it has taken on the popular characteristics of a fuel. The narrative is as simple, and as wrong as this; Add CO2 to the atmosphere and the Earth will get warmer, like adding wood to a fire.

Outside of the context of climate change the term greenhouse is a benign even positive term, as it should be. The greenhouse effect, the trapping of the Sun's radiated heat in the atmosphere, is not only harmless, it ls required for life, as we know it on planet Earth. With the greenhouse effect of trapped heat, the Earth maintains an average temperature of around 15degC or 59 F. Without the greenhouse effect it drops to -15degC or about 5 F.

Twenty thousand years ago during the last ice age, it is estimated that the Earths average temperature was 46 F. Given that life barely survived the balmy 46 degrees, it is obvious that without the greenhouse effect, Earth at five degrees would just be a lifeless ball of ice.

You might be surprised to learn, that for all of the vilification of CO2, its contribution to the the life giving greenhouse effect is only about ten percent. By far the greatest contribution to life on Earth because of the blessed greenhouse effect, is water vapor.

You would have a hard time knowing this, now that climate change has become a religion of its own. In this post reality world of science we now live in, atmospheric water vapor is basically referred to as a "positive feedback" which is the result of all those other nasty greenhouse gasses which we have spewed into the air with our selfish use of so called fossil fuels. It is true, that a warming planet creates more water vapor, but this cloaks the bigger truth, water vapor in the atmosphere has always been there and has always been the largest contributing factor to the greenhouse effect on Earth, thank God.

Early on in my work life I was involved in a company that manufactured planters. Planters and house plants being a new fad in the early seventies. Later we began to plant our planters and sell them already planted with various house plants, they were quite popular. Down the road a bit we began to grow our own plants, but at the beginning we purchased plants from established growers in Central Florida around the Ocala area. We were located in South Florida, so every Saturday my friend Ralph and I would take the company step van and head up the turnpike to our plant supplier.

These were established growers and they had dozens of greenhouses over many acres growing many varieties of house plants. We would spend the day going through the various greenhouses selecting "crates" of plants and fill the racks in our truck. One observation that fascinated us, was that outside of every structure was a wood stove with the flu fed into the greenhouse. Being perplexed we finally asked what the wood stoves were for, to heat the greenhouse in the winter time?

No, we were told, the purpose of the stoves was to feed the plants. The carbon dioxide generated by the burning of the wood was plant food. In fact the higher the carbon dioxide levels in the greenhouse, the faster and healthier the plants would grow. This is basic science which I was taught in fifth grade. This too is the science of carbon dioxide. In fact, back twenty thousand years ago, during the last ice age of 46 degrees, CO2 levels were down to a life threatening atmospheric level of 180 parts per millions. At 160 per million, plants stop growing. below that and there are no plants on Earth.

Remember that bit of info when botanist and virologist Bill Gates and other fools talk about shading the Earth with soot to save us from global warming. It should also scare you to learn that Gates now owns more farm land in America than any single individual. Ctrl, Alt, Delete the crops that feed the world.

A few years back, "scientist" as they are want to do when it comes to climate change, ran some figures through there super computer modeling programs and surprise, they panicked. Again, as they are want to do, they sent out the message to their media groupies that the Amazon rain forest was going to die off due to CO2 induced climate change, fossil fuels, heat drought... you know the drill. Of course this is all over the media and kids are taught another lesson on how bad humans are to the world they inhabit. How their future is just one sad tale of planetary destruction after another....some day. So kids make sure you don't grow up and have too many children, if any, to hasten Gaia's demise.

Fast forward four years later and the same scientist do another study. This time they decide to factor in the affect increased carbon dioxide will have on the plants themselves rather than just the minor increase in temperatures which they had predicted would wipe out as much as 85% of the Amazon rain forest.

They plug this common sense info into their models and now they have to issue another press release. This time with basic botany now added into their previous apocalyptic equation.

The Amazon rainforest is less vulnerable to die off because of global warming than widely believed because the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide also acts as an airborne fertilizer, a study showed on Wednesday.
The boost to growth from CO2, the main gas from burning fossil fuels blamed for causing climate change, was likely to exceed damaging effects of rising temperatures this century such as drought, it said.

What is striking about that statement is the "widely believed." Nobody believed that climate change was destroying the Amazon before they put out the panic report in 2008. People have always been worried about deforestation, as they should be, it was only the "experts" that threw global warming into the mix. Nobody widely believes this panic porn until the experts and their media hyenas regurgitate it to a trusting public.

As it turn out those experts, once real world science is applied, realized the very thing (increased atmospheric CO2) which was supposed to destroy as much 85% of the Amazon, would make the forest healthier. Damn I could have told them that after leaving Mrs. Sanders class fifty some years ago.

Fast forward another four years to 2016 and a reverse to the Emperor has no clothes situation is beginning to take place. In this case though the Emperor has clothes while all his minions claims he doesn't. The Emperor is Earth and his clothes is vegetation.

From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.
.... The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.

The report goes on to say that over seventy percent of this increased greening is the direct result of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. What causes the remainder?

However, carbon dioxide fertilization isn’t the only cause of increased plant growth—nitrogen, land cover change and climate change by way of global temperature, precipitation and sunlight changes all contribute to the greening effect.

Climate Change IE: Global Warming caused by increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and the actual carbon dioxide itself are greening the Earth. Well at least that is what the scientist said in 2016.

Fast forward to present day and it seems that the greening of Earth is causing some consternation among the climate change commissars. There is no denying the basic science of carbon dioxide's benefit to plant life, there is also no denying the longer growing seasons and the benefit to plant life in a warmer climates, but like anything else to do with the "authorized" narrative, if it is good news it must be diminished or destroyed.

There are two tracts being used to diminish the greening Earth good news. The first is to say that the CO2 induced greening is reaching its limit. This is particularly disingenuous since they never factored this into their various scenarios in the first place and now claim to

understand what that limit is, if there is one.

The second is also quite strange, they claim that this greening is being driven by China and India.

This hypothesis is that in the past twenty years both China and India have done massive reforestation programs which have accounted for a large portion of this greening. This is probably true, but it is also true that the two nations with the greatest increase in CO2 emissions over the past two decades are...China and India. So they are doing an excellent job at fertilizing their new foliage. As you can see, they are not alone in significant greening.

I know this sounds insane to those marinated in the climate change hysteria which has gripped the world going on a generation now, but the truth is that burning fossil fuels is good for the environment. At least it has been since the late eighties when we began to get the truly dangerous emissions under control. Regardless, carbon dioxide is not dangerous, it is a blessing to mankind. In fact, truth be told, a proper understanding of the man made global warming theory (revised to climate change when it stopped warming as predicted) shows that it isn't even much of a factor in warming the Earth. But that is for another day.

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