The Post Election Meltdown-Or Worse
I originally had thought I would write something to explain all the maneuvers the left has made to take control of the United States. Unfortunately it is too late for that, it is happening. So the best I can do is try to explain (warn) what is very likely coming -soon. -Jer
On the right side of the political spectrum in the United States it is basically an article of faith that American institutions have been compromised and overtaken by the progressive left and its vichy collaborators on the right. It has reached the point that they no longer hide behind a quasi-American facade, nor do they have to. The corruption of the media is all but complete so there is no "getting caught."
I have no doubt that the left is attempting to steal elections, they have done it for years. Democrats have always been the party of thugs, it was one of the main reasons I left them many years ago. Even people I know and love on that side of the spectrum see no problem in cheating to get their way. There is a moral blind spot in the left's political philosophy, that "the ends justify the means" which the right finds so repugnant that they, for too long, turned a blind eye to it. I guess so as not to cast aspersions on their political opponents and maintain a semblance of bipartisanship. While the right has sought accommodation, the left has viewed and used that "weakness" against them, it is who they are. In many ways this is why they hate Trump so much, he plays their game against them, accommodation is not his fall back position, he plays to win and they know it.
Because we on the right are more trusting of people we tend to be easy prey when it comes to seeing the forces being stacked against us. I have no idea if all the conspiracy theories I hear are true. Unfortunately far too many of them have solid evidence backing them up so I suspect to some degree they mostly are. One item I am reasonably sure of, is the polling for the election is being used not to inform but to deceive. Though this is not unusual, most polling leading up to a presidential election is done to depress the right in an attempt discourage voter turnout. It is the same this time with a twist. The twist is that this time it has and will continue right through the election for an entirely different and more dangerous purpose, to delegitimize the results of the election should Trump win.
The "blue wave" has become an article of faith on the left and is being promoted by the media and their polsters. It is also a cover for their voting shenanigans, if the results, even if fraudulently obtained are in line with the polls, there is less likely to be questions or objections. If this fails then they can just point to the polls as reason to contest and seek to overturn the election. There is one dramatic difference in 2020 that was not present in 2016. The states of Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin all had Republican governors and administrations in 2016, they are all now Democrat. All those states except Nevada still have Republican legislatures, but the people that are in charge of administering the elections and counting the votes are Democrats. Yeah, I know, oh shit.
The "count every vote" campaign is already in full swing. Should Trump win or the vote be extremely close and still be up for grabs and unknown come next Wednesday, it will be all you hear, get used to it. Of course the right being the right will want to be "fair" so there will be calls to accommodate. To ensure this, there will be "demonstrations." The closer the vote is the worse it will be. Pretty much only way that this does not happen is a decisive Biden win. They are counting on the ignorance of the electorate to what a Biden win really means for the nation to feed on people's feelings. Suburban women in particular, are being led to just vote Democrat to avoid the chaos and to end Trump's "divisiveness," the divisiveness they have instigated for four years. The devil is a subtle master.
Yes I believe evil stalks the land. How else do you have a corrupt half century politician, on the verge of succumbing to dementia who has used his office for family enrichment for decades running for President? Actually that is the best part of who Joe Biden and his family are and they are not even as bad on that front as the Clintons. I guess that it is only fitting that there being so much depravity, corruption, and dishonesty in the "new" Progressive Democratic Party, that Biden and Harris are their appropriate standard bearers.
Be forewarned, if Biden wins the nation will enter into very dark times and it will not just be the Dark Winter that Joe is running his campaign on, it will last decades and very well may be the end of a republican constitutional democracy in this nation.
If Trump wins? I don't know but I'll take my chances. One thing is for sure, that without a red wave that cannot be denied, we are looking at hell on earth in the United States for at least the next three months if the election is close.
Vote and buy a gun.
Excellent analysis that will probably come to fruition.