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Stepping on your own foot

Trumps defensiveness gets in the way of winning....again.


The most disappointing thing for me about last night's debate was not the rude and out of control behavior, of everyone on the stage, it was all the opportunities lost. Time after time Trump interrupted the flow of Biden's own self destruction. Rather than just letting Biden go on and finish a self-defeating train of thought and coming up with a reasoned response should Wallace not call Biden out on it, he jumped in and let Biden off the hook.

Below is a perfect example. Biden is talking about the Green New Deal which he has opposed and then supported as needed in the past year. He first says that the Green New Deal will pay for itself then when asked if he supports the Green New Deal he says no. Rather than let Wallace who was obviously trying to pin Biden down on this critical point just finish, Trump jumps in and breaks up the possible exchange. Here is the clip.

Either because Trump wants to be the center of attention or because he just can't control his combative nature he constantly jumped into the discussion when it was obvious that Biden was or was about to make a mistake thus drawing the attention away from Biden and to himself. In this case would Wallace have gone after Biden for his two sided answer? We will never know, and the reason is that Trump jumped in rather than just let it play out. Trump could have made his same point one minute later, but instead looked and was rude.

Wallace was disgraceful in his one sided questioning and for failing to treat both sides rudeness equally, but Trump being Trump could not hold off. Trump, if he had just followed the rules of the debate and shown a smidgen of self control, on numerous occasions could have gone after Biden in his response time. This would not only have shown more decorum but would have allowed for a more thought out response. If Wallace failed to hold Biden accountable for his inconsistencies and out and out lies, it was partly due to Trump's lack of self control which for many on the fence voters could be a fatal flaw.

I totally understand that Trump has every right to believe that nearly everyone is out to get him, because they mostly are, but the stakes are too high to make this about himself. I am convinced he understands the consequences of losing the election for the nation, and is fighting tooth and nail to win, but it appears he does not understand that constantly counter punching is not a knockout, sometimes it just wears you, and in this case the audience, down. But he won't change, it is who he is and if he loses being who he is the nation will suffer the consequences.

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