Will we have to wear masks to the revolution?
The people who flee blue states for red do so because they understand the destruction their government's progressive policy cause in their lives. For the most part anyway.
These blue to red transplants do not, in any large way, dilute the conservative nature of their new state. They understand what they fled, and why. They do, however, create a more liberal governance simply by being there. As population grows, government must grow to accommodate it. Big Government is the natural outgrowth of increased population, it is why liberal and progressive political ideologies thrive in major population centers, Biden won 94 of the 100 most populous counties in America. Well, allegedly anyway.
As any institution grows, especially government institutions, they become more protective of their survival, reputation and power. They become less a part and then they grow apart from the wider community they are meant to serve. Service becomes secondary to survival as they become more insular. It's almost evolutionary, in fact it is.
Added to this, that as "conservative" states grow with less punishing regulation and taxation, they not only attract individuals but corporations. The state must actually promote this influx to sustain itself. They are in affect importing institutions which are anti-growth, well except for themselves.
Over time these conservative states become more prone to crony capitalism and big government control over the increasing population. Eventually, like their "blue" counterparts they become more prone to institutional survival and less towards public service. They become less conservative in nature, they turn from red to purple. The migrants did not create the change so much as the migration did.
On the opposite side of the coin, you have diminishing populations in "progressive" states which leads to what amounts to one party rule. Progressives are not about bi-partisanship, they want and do destroy their competition. The stabilizing middle class flees the state or settles into retirement, leaving an ever increasing chasm between the haves and have nots, a modern day feudalism is created. This can be sustained for a relatively long period of time, if there is a large enough corporate economic base to sustain it, think Silicone Valley in California or the financial sector of New York.
At some point though this modern feudalism must collapse, simply due to the natural human desire to improve their standard of living. Either the lower economic class begin to migrate or they indulge in the poison pill to feudalism, entrepreneurism.
Entrepreneurism creates and will always create a stabilizing middle class. Entrepreneurism is also a manifestation of the human desire for freedom. People who seek to own their own business, to control their own destiny, are the heart that pumps blood into society's desire for liberty.
Given this, given time, the United States would basically evolve back into a stable united nation. Not like we know it now, but still resembling the America of our founding principles. We would, in a generation, evolve into a purple nation. The progressive blue states would economically become unviable and slowly return to a more stable yet still leftist society and economy. Red states, as they are in the process of doing, would become more reliant on big government but would maintain the basic principles of self government.
For all the pain, this was the direction the United States was heading,helped along by a purple Orange Man president. Then came the Great Reset. There is much talk about the Great Reset and the "Build Back Better" initiatives, but I have my own....BIG. The Great Reset is just BIG. As in Bg Tech, Big Business, Big Government, Big Public Health, Big Environmentalism, Big Media, if it is big it is part of the Great Reset and it is global.
There is an old saying in conservatism, the bigger government gets, the smaller the individual becomes. Well, the Great Reset is Big Government on a global scale, and at that size the individual becomes a microorganism. When a group of people, regardless of their motives, take upon themselves to "manage the world" then the individual, that's you, become nothing more than a data point in an ocean of insignificance.
Here is a small recent example of your growing loss of personhood:
In a split second of time, thirty four thousand data points simply "went away" they vanished never to be seen again. But those were not votes or ballots, or even a percentage of a candidates total "count," those were people. Thirty four thousand individuals, people with their own hopes and dreams, their own families and jobs and in this case their own political beliefs, ideals and philosophies.....poof, they are no more.
When you believe it is your place to "manage" the world, to determine other human beings destiny and future, when you have that frame of mind, that philosophy, your fellow humans cease to have individuality and if they oppose your view...eliminate them. If you don't like what they believe, or what they say, silence them.
But that is just the beginning.
In order to effectively manage the world you must not only dictate thought and speech, you must control where people work, where they live and where they go. How, after all, can you create a "sustainable" environment and economy when people are allowed to live where they want. travel how they will, work where they desire and eat as they please? This must all be managed for the greater good. You know this right? Every properly educated person knows this, if you don't ask your kid.
Think about what has happened in the past year, thousand of small businesses have collapsed while giant conglomerates have grown tremendously. Governments all over the world have taken on more and more power to control their citizens. Unlike doctors with whom you have a personal relationship, anonymous Public Health "Officials" have not only taken more control of your health decisions and are attempting to take even more, they are also dictating public health policy by using virtually mandatory "guidelines." Each one of these increasingly larger entities and others are reinforcing and augmenting each other, in an attempt to "reset" the world.
While all this is going on many lifestyle pleasures and distractions have been limited or in some cases eliminated. Under the guise of public health, entire swaths of entertainment, pleasure and recreation have become increasingly more difficult to experience and partake in. Going out to eat, going to a bar, going to a sporting event, going to a movie, going to a concert, going to almost anywhere just for pleasure, has become harder and in some cases impossible. And we are becoming used to it. Coming soon will be limitations on other activities, boating, fishing, hunting, long distance travel for pleasure all for the sake of some sustainable new world. As I have written before; For there to be a "new" normal, the current normal must go away. And you will accept it citizen.
If you think I exaggerate, listen to what the progressive technocrats say, write and believe. Read what people like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Prince Charles, Mark Zuckerberg not to mention George Soros believe about "overpopulation," the environment, public health and everything else that they are on the verge of "resetting." They are just the well known ones, there are others with the ways and means to pull this off. Think of the politicians, all over the world who have no problem with control, as long as they are the ones pulling the levers and reaping the rewards of their power. Within three hours of the events in DC, six "allied" leaders sent almost identical notes of deep distress and support for Joe Build Back Better Biden. It's a coup alright, an overthrow of the world as we know it.
It's coming, and faster than perhaps that which what is left our failing Republic can withstand.
Not here in America, dag nabit, we are the home of the free and the land of the brave....sure thing buckaroo, let's get together at Joe's Bar and Grill and make plans to overthrow the government over a couple of brewskis. Oh, I forgot Joe works as an Amazon driver now, lost his biz during the GREAT PANDEMIC OF 2020, remember before we wore Fauci masks? Will we have to wear masks to the revolution?
Unless people come up with a real plan, I mean besides voting, ha, ha, ha lol, lol, lol, omg, omg, omg, wtf, wtf, wtf has happened to our country? Sorry, it is either gone or going quickly, best start working to save your grandchildren from the Global Technocratic Feudalism. Donald Trump, if he is alive and not in a jail somewhere will be seventy eight in 2024 and the swamp he could not drain this time is about to go on a mega growth spurt.
So what to do? I think it was Michelle Obama that coined the lie "if they go low we go high." Maybe it was Opra? Doesn't matter. I have a similar sentiment.
If they go big we go small.
Simply put "they" are big, because we are big. The have money because we provide them with it. They have power because we give it to them, they need us for their existence, we do not need them. For the most part their only benefit to us is to make our lives a bit more comfortable, and now they are going to start taking even that away. Drip, drip, drip.
The way to look at this is that the bigger something is, the more the threat it is to us in the long term. So why support them? Amazon is wonderful, it is comfortable and it is easy. Amazon just announced it is going to spend billions in the next few years to help build and finance low cost housing for their employees in their distribution centers. Oh aren't they wonderful they are going to house their workers.
The convenience of Google is wonderful, as they monitor your every keystroke, keep track of all your most important information...for future use. Did I mention that they help Communist China monitor their citizens for "social scoring."
Oh Walmart there is always Walmart, an all-American company with all Chinese products.
I am not saying boycott everything big, it is not practical. I live less than a mile from a Walmart, I use ATT for both my cell and internet service, I go to McDonalds at least once a week, I know it shows too. But what we can do where possible, go small and go local. Find alternatives and support them. Maybe when my contract is up I can move away from ATT and switch to Patriot Mobile.
SUPPORT ENTREPRENEURISM ! Keep the spirit alive while helping to starve the beast.
Maybe switch to a small local bank, Bank America has enough money and if they run low the Fed will print them some more anyway. Find local restaurants, if they are not all gone and support them. Local shops and grocers, local pharmacies. Every dime you give to BIG kills small and BIG is going to enslave us, Small is going to save us. Well at least it will save the human spirit, that spirit which BIG crushes like a data point in an ocean of insignificance.
Hey if it doesn't work, if the BIG BEAST is too big to slay, I bet you will at least encounter and enjoy more people on your way out the door. Besides in order to have a revolution you need like minded friends, and their guns. As that liberal witch sang so beautifully;
"People who need people Are the luckiest people in the world."