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"Duck and Cover" was child's play

Writer's picture: JerJer

What we are doing to our children is criminal

I am old enough to remember doing what is pictured above at my first elementary school in Portland, Oregon. Notice the little girls? Notice their smiles? Interesting enough, I do not remember doing it once we actually moved onto Glasgow Air Force Base in Montana which existed for the express purpose of launching a fleet of nuclear B-52 Bombers over the Arctic to nuke the Soviet Union if needed. I guess they figured if the base in the middle of nowhere was a target, a desk would not do us much good.

Of course when we were kids, before we grew up to be teenagers, we had no idea what the whole thing was really about. I don't remember seeing the movie reels about "duck and cover" until later, at least until I was a grown up teenager. To us it was like the fire drills we practiced, nothing really scary. Afterwards we might talk about it, but then it was back to trading baseball cards and playing marbles. Yes marbles. it was a favorite pastime on recess breaks. Kids being kids, learning to play, to fight, to interact with others. That is probably the most under appreciated lessons learned in grade school. How to be with others, has a lot to do with how we learn to be ourselves.

One of the reason I have been such a critic of the whole climate change dogma is the damage it does to kids. Actually indoctrinating kids that they and mostly their parents are responsible for the destruction of the planet. Besides being false, cannot be good for a child's long term outlook on life. Why respect or care deeply for anything when everybody, including yourself, is responsible for the destruction of everything.

Now we have the virus, and children are not only being made to wear dehumanizing masks

as part of their everyday life, they are being socially distanced from each other, Now there is an oxymoron fit for a George Carlin comedy routine, socially distanced? Children?

One of the greatest things in life, in the entire human experience, is a child's smile. We, in our insanity of unfounded fears, are not only depriving ourselves of that joy, but actually stifling our children's experiences that bring forth those smiles. After all the recent political histrionics over putting children in cages, nobody seems to care about the far more restrictive and frightening confines of the mask and social distancing we are inflicting on an entire generation of children. It's for their own good. Really?

When, as a child, I came out from under the desk, I simply went out and played, and fought and traded and explored with my friends on that new adventure called a skateboard. Today, kids, if they are fortunate enough to actually go to a school are put in a cage of plexiglass or distanced so far that a secret note is never exchanged, a whispered plan for after school is never spoken. Like prisoners, there is new regiment to life that forbids human contact and the wonderful childish interactions necessary for growth and just for the fun of life, for the fun of just being a kid.

What are we doing to ourselves, what are we doing to them?

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