It is absolutely true that Donald Trump is like a bull in a china shop, and that is good. The U.S. Government is not supposed to be a china shop. You do not need fine china to serve a deli, and the United States is a deli, E Pluribus Unum, out of many, one.
The idea that the United States reached the heights of prosperity and global dominance as the result of an elite administrative state flies in the face of not only our history but our national character. To be honest the United States which was once seen as the beacon of freedom by the world has been transformed into what is now seen as a manipulative arrogant super power. This transformation occurred precisely due to the idea that the "best and brightest" were the source of our success rather than the humble hard working free citizens of the republic.
Over the decades as the Progressive mind set has taken hold and poisoned our body politic, we have strayed further and further from the inherent ideals which formed the greatest, freest and most prosperous nation the world has ever seen. We now languish in both financial debt and, the far more destructive debt of national identity.
Donald Trump to my, and many other people's surprise has taken a sledge hammer to the progressive structure that has been built over the last few decades. In my wildest dreams I had no expectation that Trump would be an American warrior and fight so courageously to protect the ideals of Americanism. His policy accomplishments are, on their own, significant, but of far more significance is his undaunted assault on progressivism and globalism.
Unlike a politician whose first instinct is to seek compromise, he has not only steadfastly stood up to, he has bludgeoned powerful institutions that have for so long grown beyond their intended purpose and unchecked by elected officials or the media. He openly takes on those powerful entities which for my entire life have distorted the American ideals I believe in for the sake of power. The media complex is an obvious one, but there are many more. He has not hesitated to take on the Federal Reserve, the military industrial complex, the Federal Government's Administrative state, Big Pharma, environmentalism, Big Tech, pretty much every power source in the nation.
Not only is this courageous, it is dangerous. Certainly dangerous should he lose before enacting more changes. His family, should he lose this election, will be financially wiped out by all the enemies he has made. Even if you don't agree with all the changes he is making or attempting to make, the fact that he is willing to take the risk to do so is as selfless an act of patriotism as our founders took in signing the Declaration of Independence.
I believe this a turning point election, perhaps the most important election since 1860, with possibly the same consequences. Being a student of history, I do not say that lightly. We have reached the point in our national story where there exist two diametrically opposed political philosophies vying for control of the nation. It is no longer simply American's disagreeing on policy, it is Americans in adamant disagreement with one another as to the actual fundamental governance direction that the nation should take. This cannot continue indefinitely, simply because there seems no longer to be any unifying belief that can unite us.
A narrow win by either side is not going to change those dynamics, in fact they will just inflame passions. Obviously a Trump win buys time to make changes that will make one side happy while enraging the other. A Biden win, especially if they take the Senate, it is game over for US as we know it. They will end filibuster and pack court, and once they do that there is absolutely no way to "go back" and probably no way for Republicans to win a national election again.
Like the Democrats it is true that the Republican Party is not what it used to be, the Tea Party started their collapse, Trump is finishing it off. If Trump loses, I imagine it will go full fledged revolutionary. This will give the new authoritarian Democrat Party self justification to "crack down" and crack down they will. In twenty years what we now think of as the freest nation ever, will be gone. There is a growing alliance between the left, the Media, Big Tech and Big Business which is almost unstoppable. It probably does not have a majority of popular support in the United States, but what it does have is raw power and an ignorant electorate. Only one thing stands in the way-
Pray for the bull in the China shop.