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News & Opinion Blog
Ideals which must be established by force and lies, are not good ideals
When Records Are Not Records
I am sure that most people who follow such things, heard of the four consecutive days of record setting Covid-19 fatalities in Florida, I am also confident that many people, especially those in Florida, heard that the 200 fatality a day threshold was passed on three consecutive days. I am happy to tell you it is simply not true, at least from the standpoint of the intended reporting,
In fact, thus far, no record number of daily deaths occurred last week and there has never been a day with two hundred Covid-19 deaths in Florida...ever. Despite the headlines and the intentions of those reporting these figures, it simply ain't true. As I have explained before the difference between date reported and actual date of death greatly skews the fatality numbers.
Not only has there never been a day with two hundred deaths in Florida, the current day with the most deaths is July 17th, a full sixteen days ago and the current "record" number of deaths on that day was 143. That is 110 less than a CBS story reported on Thursday with the totally false headline of Florida breaks single day death record for third day in a row . They did not make up the number any more than other news outlets, they just did not explain the number, intentionally.
The 253 deaths on Thursday are no more accurate than the 62 reported today. That is the key of course "reported", 253 deaths were reported or more accurately, recorded on Thursday July 30th. Most of those fatalities occurred earlier in the week or the week before. It is of course possible that as recording catches up with reporting that another day will be the deadliest for Florida, but I doubt it will ever reach 200. As I said and the accompanying official death by day chart shows, the current record was set over two weeks ago and Florida's death rate is just not currently high enough to create dramatic jumps. This added to the fact that Florida's peak in cases was three weeks ago, the fatalities should begin to drop rather than rise, if not this week then next week.
All that I can say is that if you do not trust the media to report factually on politics, then why would you expect them to be objective about the pandemic? It is all politics to them, even or perhaps especially, deaths.
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