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Writer's picture: JerJer

Democrats are attempting to put the noose around the Republican's neck for the crimes they have committed.

Prior to the civil rights movement in the sixties, African Americans were a reliable Republican voting block. In fact they would have been a very important one if not for two factors, the Republican Party is stupid, and Democrat political machines in the South and large cities found ways to suppress their voting power. Jim Crow laws and other punitive actions such as the poll tax did more than segregate, they disenfranchised blacks from the political process.

...the Democrats amended their state constitutions or drafted new ones to include various disfranchising devices. When payment of the poll tax was made a prerequisite to voting, impoverished blacks and often poor whites, unable to afford the tax, were denied the right to vote.

The history of this is well documented and, for now, has not been erased or totally distorted. With the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that master political manipulator who went by LBJ was able to flip the narrative and the vote. A major inflection point was reached and Black America, fairly quickly, became a reliable Democrat voting block. As I said the Republican Party is known as the stupid party for a reason.

With the upheaval going on in our American cities as the result of the George Floyd tragedy, I wonder if we might be headed towards an inflection point in our politics and our history. What triggered this thought was the recent poll from Gallup with the accompanying synopsis, Black Americans Want Police to Retain Local Presence :

When asked whether they want the police to spend more time, the same amount of time or less time than they currently do in their area, most Black Americans -- 61% -- want the police presence to remain the same. This is similar to the 67% of all U.S. adults preferring the status quo, including 71% of White Americans.
Meanwhile, nearly equal proportions of Black Americans say they would like the police to spend more time in their area (20%) as say they'd like them to spend less time there (19%).

The question becomes; Do people (Democratic voters) clearly see the forces at work that oppose their wishes? Or do decades of unrelenting partisanship still blind them from the reality and the truth of what surrounds them? This not only applies to the African American community but to all metropolitan citizens. At what point do they say to themselves, this is not working?

It has reached the point that many, (most?) of America's cities are being managed, if you can call it that, by the furthest left component of the Democratic Party. A few obvious examples are New York, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Las Angeles. These are cities that not only have far left mayors but extreme leftist city councils. There are other cities trending that way, Chicago and Austin come to mind. Most big city "machines" derived their political power through alliances with large unions, now mostly public unions. This is why few cities in "right to work" states have gone so far left. Most voters do not belong to these unions. Most voters in cities vote Democrat for one over riding reason, services.

If you live in a city you are very dependent on municipal services. Most notably, the police, fire, trash removal, transportation and teachers. Then a host of other "social services" which city dwellers, especially the poor, come to rely or even become dependent on. Put simply,

citizens in cities are more reliant on government and Democrats are the party of big government. But what happens when the government you rely on not only does not provide the services but actively undermines the institutions and policies that do?

This is not just the obvious "defund police" movement which is reeking havoc in some cities, it is the re-prioritization of money and services to left wing "causes" that only tangentially help a city's citizens at large. Redirecting community funds to transgender causes while ignoring the homelessness which over run the streets. It is one thing to sit on the city council while living in some swanky neighborhood enacting these "feel good" policies, it is quite another if you are living in a crime ridden section of the same city with burnt out street lights and no police presence.

Forgive the analogy, but the Democrats are playing a very dangerous game right now. Democrats are attempting to put the noose around the Republican's neck for the crimes they have committed. While the punditry class is absorbed with analyzing suburbia they seem not at all interested in the cities that those suburbs are an extension of, and by extension dependent upon.

As I said this is not all about the African-American vote either, actually the tumult in the cities could be more disruptive to the white vote in the cities and their suburbs. Many metropolitan areas in the nation are a densely populated island of blue alone in a large red ocean. Leave the not so friendly confines of Seattle, Portland or Minneapolis and you will find yourself in traditional America, where love of country is not a curse. So what happens if the political power of these metropolitan areas shifts even slightly? What if the "blue wave" that so many Democrats think is inevitable given that Orange Man Bad, is not sustained due to a growing sense of abandonment and betrayal in their many scattered blue fortresses.

There is little chance that there will be some red wave as there was for Reagan in the eighties, Trump is no Reagan, and these are different times but with the closeness in the partisan

divide in the nation, small shifts can create seismic outcomes. While commentators obsess over the unlikely prospect of Georgia or even Texas going blue, it is more likely that Minnesota could go red.

While the chattering class obsess over polls, what will become increasing more important as we get to the actual election is that thing called voter enthusiasm. Using Minnesota as an example, this is a map of the 2016 Presidential election outcome. Hillary won the state 46.4% to Trump's 44.9% which amounted to 44.5K votes. Other candidates received 8.6% of the vote or 254,176 votes, which is a remarkably high number. But the outcome of the race was mostly determined in that dark blue island and the suburbs around Minneapolis. In that one dark blue fortress, Hennepin County , Hillary had 237,518 more votes than Trump. If that county turns a lighter shade of blue or those surrounding counties that are light red turn dark red, Trump wins.

That is what voter enthusiasm gives you, if you have it you get turn out, if not, you are a lighter shade from victory. Who believes that Joe Biden is the "Great Blue Hope" who is going to bring forth a wave of previously uncommitted voters? They are counting totally on Trump hatred, while forgetting Tip O'Neil famous observation that "All politics is local."

The media is mostly suppressing news out of Minneapolis since the riots there, as they are about all other metropolitan rioting around the nation. The reason is that despite the initial outrage over George Floyd's death, the support for "peaceful demonstrations" is dissolving into disgust at the not so peaceful violence that continues. The media can hide the truth on their national broadcasts but on the ground, in the cities, reality is a bitch. The Democrat's bitch is that nobody really identifies these "protests" with the Republican Party.

Come election day people in these cities and there suburbs are not going to have forgotten the pre-George Floyd world and many normal city dwellers might have questions. Like, why their Democrat politicians first shut down their local businesses for so long then did not stop them from being burned down. A smart Republican Party would have candidates in all these blue environs raising the question and providing answers, but the Republican Party is more about ceding territory than taking it. So it is left to Orange Man Bad to point out the evil of the evil party and hope the nation is not given over to a corrupt cognitive calamity.

Writer's picture: JerJer

“Until Republicans can be just as confident in being protectors of civilization against barbarism and destruction, and defend civilization with the same kind of moral fervor that the left attempts to tear it down... they will lose."

-Darren Beattie

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