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By Melissa Rexroth...

I’m an RN of 10 years and I am being fired December 1. I’m not political.

I don’t watch the news. I do my job and I go home to my family.

I love caring for others from every single walk of life and I take that responsibility seriously.

Last year I worked the floor no one else wanted to. I have my own medical issues, but I willingly worked that floor.

I sat face to face with your loved ones without fear because I trust science when it says the survival rate is greater than 99%.

However, I don’t judge anyone who is scared.

If I hadn’t seen all the things I’ve seen with my own eyes, I would probably be scared too.

Most of my patients walked out the front door...

Yes it is real, some became extremely ill and have long lasting effects, some succumbed, but most people walked out the door!!!

This year I’m working in the ER and will be fired December 1st for refusing a

How is it possible that I worked the entire past year, most shifts on said floor, many times without the proper equipment, and without the ,...

but today I am expendable???

I stand for FREEDOM!

You have the right to disagree with me and I will still support your right to your opinions.

I will NEVER agree to force anything on anyone. I support your right to choose the for you and your family.

My choice, after what I have personally witnessed, is to abstain until long term studies have been conducted.

I could share story after story about adverse effects I have personally witnessed, but I am not because it is your choice and you’ve most likely already chosen.

If you haven’t, I encourage you to research and dig deep.

Talk to people who are on the front lines. I am here today asking you stand for freedom for us all.

If this is forced, what is next?..

Then after that? What freedoms will our children have to fight for?

Don’t let this fall on them. This is simply about freedom!


Let me see if I understand this properly. Person A feels that they need the vaccine to be protected, so they get vaccinated. However, Person A doesn't feel protected unless Person B also gets the vaccine. And if Person B refuses to get the vaccine, Person A shames them until they do. Let's take this a step further. Person A, who is vaccinated, can still catch and transmit the virus, but is not subjected to going through daily/weekly testing. Person B, who is not vaccinated, and who can catch and transmit the virus, has to go through daily/weekly testing and potential quarantine. Why does Person A not have to go through testing and quarantine if they can still catch and transmit the virus? And to go even further than that: Person A is vaccinated and, even though they can catch and transmit the virus, can walk into any number of locations that state they will only allow the vaccinated inside. Person B is not vaccinated and, even though they may test negative for the virus, are not allowed inside any of the locations that state they will only allow the vaccinated inside. Wanna piece this together now? It boils simply down to segregation and discrimination with no real basis for doing so. 1. Person A is vaccinated. 2. Person B is not vaccinated. 3. Both Person A and Person B can catch and transmit the virus. 4. Person A does not have to get tested, but Person B does. 5. Person A can go wherever they want, but Person B cannot. 6. Person A is allowed to live their lives, while Person B cannot. 7. Person A perpetuates the shaming of Person B by stating that Person B needs to be vaccinated for Person A to be protected. If your shot works, why do I need one? If your shot doesn't work, why should I get one? Crock of if you ask me


My daughter, Sarah Green(Little), received her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine on May 4th. After the vaccine, she complained of a headache in the back of her head a few times. She had not had headaches before. I gave her Ibuprofen, and it would get better.

On the evening of May 23rd, she came to me and said she had a “twitch” in her neck. I thought maybe she was just tired and told her to go to bed.

The morning of May 24th was a normal morning. I go to work before she wakes up, and so she calls me if I don’t call her. We had a normal conversation and she told me that her and her dad were going shopping.

That evening at around 7pm, I got a call from her dad and he said that he was taking her to the ER because something was wrong. Little had begun stuttering really bad and she was having uncontrollable head movements. She looked like someone who has Parkinson’s. She had never stuttered or had these “tics” before.

After 2 nights in the hospital and numerous tests, she was sent home with no improvement and we were told that it was a “nervous tic” and she needed to see mental health. We asked several times if it could be the vaccine and we were ignored until one dr told us that he had no idea what it was, but it was absolutely not the vaccine and we couldn’t blame everything on that. We had to argue with them to refer her to a neurologist.

2weeks later we finally saw the neurologist and we were told that she had Functional Movement disorder, and that it was “related to the vaccine, but not vaccine related”. And that it is an “extremely rare” side effect. (While researching, I have found that it is not so rare). But the neurologist said that they had seen a lot of this over the past year.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are not normal vaccines. They are MRNA vaccines. The way these work, is they change the way your body reacts to viruses and teaches your body to communicate a different way with your cells and to make a specific protein to fight off certain viruses or diseases.

These vaccines are not FDA approved because they could not pass the 3 stage test. They could not get past stage 2, which is animal testing, because the animals died during the test.

Basically, what has happened is that there is some kind of breakdown in the pathway of Little’s brain and her body movements. And it is considered a “neurological disorder”.

I am not an antivaxxer. She is up to date on all other immunization’s. But we were not informed that this was even a possibility.

My hope is that you, the reader, will be able to make an informed decision when deciding whether you get the vaccine or not.

We were not afforded that opportunity.

Please continue to send prayers and kind thoughts.

We greatly appreciate all of you.


"18 year old Camilla Canepa received the first d0se on May 25. She checked into the emergency room on June 3, complaining of severe headaches and extreme light sensitivity. ACT scan and neurological tests found nothing, so doctors discharged her with an order to return in 15 days for further tests. But she returned to the ER just two days later, now suffering from paralysis.

Camilla was diagnosed with cavernous sinus thrombosis, meaning a blood clot in the space between the eye sockets and brain. It blocked the primary vein between the head and heart.

Doctors also discovered that she was bleeding inside her brain. She underwent two surgeries, one to remove the blood clot and the second to relieve pressure in her head caused by the bleeding. But the damage was too great to overcome.

Camilla passed away on June 10. “Trust the $cience."


“I have been in the medical field since I was 19 years old. I started as a medical assistant and phlebotomist.

I joined the US Navy as a hospital corpsman at 21 and challenged the LVN board while in. Once out I became an RN and obtained my BSN soon after and have been an RN for at least a decade now. I’ve worked everything from home health, hospice, skilled nursing facilities, dementia buildings and bedside nursing in hospitals on L&D and med surge and telemetry floors.

All those years of hard work, sacrifice and dedication to further my education: all wasted.

I used to love being a nurse. Now I’m done. I’m over it.

When we can work through anything with little to no PPE one second, and then be told nothing matters unless we get an EXPERIMENTAL that is harming thousands of people, we’ve lost what nursing used to be about: bodily autonomy and informed consent. Respecting a persons right to chose.

Ive always stood up and advocated for my patients rights for true informed consent and bodily autonomy, yet here I am losing my rights to it all. Nurses are the last defense for a patient. We make sure they have been consented before treatments and before new medications are given. If a patient declines anything, we respect it. We don’t coerce them.

Coercion is not consent. Freedom is not force.

My rights do NOT end where one’s fears and biases begin. We each have the RIGHT to CHOOSE what is injected into our bodies. We have the RIGHT to CHOOSE what is best for us based on our own research and medical history. We do NOT have to disclose or explain ourselves to anyone. It is our right to privacy, just as we have kept our patients medical information private while we work. And believe me, we have held our tongues on quite a bit over the years.

I will still stand up and fight for mine and your right to chose. I will still educate as nurses are taught and expected to do. I will still advocate for others even when I don’t agree with their choices. That’s what nursing is. Or it was....

The hospital has become a conveyer belt of “treatments”. We no longer view the patient as a whole person. We view them in parts and have separated them from their families and loved ones. This is inhumane. Having watched family members grieve for a loved one that passed while they could not be with them in the hospital because of “policy” is disgusting. The allopathic care model has failed us. I can no longer in good conscience be a part of this regime.

I am NOT alone in these feelings either. There are many other nurses and other healthcare professionals who are willing and ready to walk away from this career. Ready to start our own path and change the dynamic of healthcare.

If even a small fraction of us walked away....what do you think would become of the medical establishment y’all know and rely on a daily basis for?

We as nurses and healthcare professionals ask that you stand with us and demand we have the same right to refuse without coercion, just as our patients that we care for do. Is that really too much to ask?”

-Sara RN


Writer's pictureJer

Updated: Dec 20, 2022

On September 10, 2020 the seven day moving average for covid cases in Denmark was 222 in 2022 that seven day average is now 520. The seven day moving average for deaths was one, it is now three. What has the small nation done to confront this dramatic increase in cases and three fold increase in deaths?

Government officials lifted the remaining restrictions Friday, including the requirement that people show proof of vaccination through a vaccine passport to enter nightclubs.

Why, you might ask would they do this when data shows that cases and deaths are on the rise? Well it might have something to do with this.

Israel has been one of the most aggressive nations in the world in combating covid. It locked down early and hard, it masked up and distanced, it was way ahead of everyone on vaccinations, and has already begun the booster program. Sweden, Denmark's' neighbor, from the beginning and with much derision from the global public health community went for herd immunity. They did enact limited restrictions to protect the vulnerable but there never were any lockdowns or masks. Sweden, for the most part, let the virus run its course.

Now that we know that a vaccinated person can be infected and also transmit the virus, the road to herd immunity, if even possible, is a very long one. Since natural immunity through contracting the disease almost certainly precludes transmission and immunity for a longer period of time if not permanently it is probably the fastest way to slow down the spread.

Of course with natural immunity you don't need boosters to "pump up" your immune system to fight off the virus. There is the possibility that boosters help achieve more permanent immunity against the virus but the vaccine, for all the hype, has not worked as sold to us thus far. I for one am not hopeful that it will do much more than provide temporary protection and line pockets.

So let's mask up and jab the kids and get them used to relying on government vaccines to protect themselves from a virus that does them no discernable harm. Or we could, like Denmark, tip your hat to big pharma then call it a day and move on.

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