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Writer's pictureJer

Tales from the enemy of the people


Yesterday, as most days, I was in and out all day so I was catching up with news sporadically. The night before I had read that the Pennsylvania postal whistleblower who had alleged backdating of ballots had recanted his story. This was a Washington Post "scoop" which of course relied on unnamed sources. I had also read that Project Veritas which had initially broke the story, said that this was not true and they would prove it the next day - yesterday.

Before my day got busy I watched the Project Veritas video which had the postal worker on it, totally denying that he had recanted and that he had been pressured by investigators for hours to recant, he recorded their interview/interrogation of him. I figured that would be it-end of story, WAPO showing why it is fake news.

As I went through my day, listening to the radio, I noticed that the FOX news channel which does the national news on the local station I listen to, was promoting the postal workers recant story. The first thing I thought of, was eventhat if it was true, why was this such a big national story, especially on FOX with so many other interesting developments on election front. The second thing I wondered is why did FOX not know that the postal worker said that the WAPO story was false.

During the course of the day, in the in and out world I live in, I noticed that news outlets such as Washington Examiner, New York Post, VOA, CNN, ABC and others were still running stories about the postal worker's recanting his charges and the FOX report on the local news was still being played. It was not until late afternoon that I saw an update from any news organization on the story saying that the postal worker disputed WAPO's initial story, that was by the Washington Examiner.

Remember this was two days ago that the postal worker denied this, but as an exercise in frustration I just Goggled the word postal worker with the news filter on, which was not much different than just Googling postal worker period. Here is what I found.

To put this in perspective, this is what Richard Hopkins, the postal worker former Marine, put out when WAPO story broke.

It is obvious that no news outlet, even the Washington Post called Hopkins to verify the story. WAPO just used their "source" and went with the story. No other news outlet bothered to ask the actual witness if he had redacted, they made it national news. There it sits nearly completely unchanged or corrected on Google for all to see should they be interested in what happened about those back dated ballots that postman revealed. "Oh look Mabel the guy lied, I googled it."

It served its purpose, it created a narrative that someone who had alleged corruption in Pennsylvania was lying, and sadly most people will never hear the truth. Worse yet the media will pretend that their version is the truth and reinforce it with each other.

The source is more credible than the actual witness! The story and the narrative is more important than the truth. It is really not important what Richard Hopkins said while being pressured by interrogators, what matters is whether he was telling the truth. Now a man, a husband and father, a veteran, a whistleblower has come out to expose the system and what happens? He is suspended without pay for potentially bringing harm to the postal service. It would be laughable if it weren't so harmful to not only Hopkins but to our nation's future.

Here we are in one of the most critical points in United States history, where we need the truth more than at almost any point in our existence and we get propaganda and deceit from our media. Did you expect anything less?

If the truth is never heard, was it really the truth.?That is what the left and its media gatekeepers are counting on, in their forest of silence and lies.

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Writer's pictureJer

Kind of makes you wonder


This is what the geeks say, is how votes were switched. They "scraped" I guess that means stole, the information sent to media outlets for their coverage and analyzed and filtered the vote data to find the votes as they were transmitted. Since this is done by % of total vote rather than actual votes, it is evidently easy to manipulate through programing.

Here is some of that filtered data, in this case from Pennsylvania.

What does this say?

At 4:07:43 Z(ulu) 11:07 Eastern Time

The total votes in Pennsylvania were 2,984,468

Trump .566 x 2,984,468 = 1,689,209

Biden .42 x 2,984,468 = 1,253,476

One minute later

4:08:51 Z 11:08 Eastern

Total Votes 2,984,522

Trump .56 x 2,984,522 = 1,671,332

Biden .426 x 2,984,522 = 1,271,406

In that one minute

Total votes in PA increased by 54 votes

Trump -17,877

Biden +17,930

This was done many times in most, though not all, states throughout the election process. According t this analysis, in Pennsylvania 220,823 net votes were switched from Biden to Trump and 941,248 votes were lost. They do not claim that there may not be some errors, but they are confident that it happened on a massive scale, though Pennsylvania was by far the worse. They also say at times some votes actually switched from Biden to Trump, but in much smaller amounts and the above is net Trump to Biden.

It all looks pretty suspicious, they even found the "glitch" in Antrim County Michigan that flipped the 5280 votes from Biden to Trump that started to get everyone suspicious. I don't know, here is the website Data deep dive on Dominion Voting Systems offers incontrovertible proof of election hack that is where most of this information comes from, but there are other people doing the same thing, I'm sure before too long computer geeks everywhere are going to be verifying it, some already have. They have posted all the data for people to use.

I would guess once the media, really any media begins to go after it, somebody will have to come out and either explain it away or they will just try to ignore it. I don't think it is going to go away easily, some nerd from the networks or Dominion or somewhere is going to have to explain it though. I just don't see how one candidate loses almost 18,000 votes in a minute and it is some sort of technical adjustment, especially when it happens over and over again in multiple states throughout the election.

Always ending with Trump losing votes.


Actually more like a clarification. What these "researchers" have found is not so much the actual vote switching, which most probably happened in the voting machines or in tabulation software, but rather the possible proof that it occured. Somehow votes were switched from one candidate to another, whether by design, or through a malfunction of the system (doubtful). The one thing that gives me pause on this aspect of the "investigation" is the large numbers of lost votes. What does that even mean? Is there some logical explanation for some programmed accounting method in the transfer of votes from polls to media. If so why would interested honest parties not come forward and explain this to the public? Since Linn Wood is aware of this, he linked to it on his twitter account, we can only assume that the Trump people are aware of it as well. Rudy Giuliani has gone on record saying that he has witnesses from Dominion. Despite media's constant effort to discredit him, he always seems to deliver on what he says, even if it is not covered in the media. Hopefully answers will be forthcoming on all this before the narrative becomes firmly entrenched.

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