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grift·er /ˈɡriftər/


  1. a person who engages in petty or small-scale swindling.

On twitter I follow a lot of prominent people on the right who are "Never-Trumpers." I have followed many of them for years, predating Trump running for president. People like Jonah Goldberg, Stephen Hayes, Eric Erickson and others on the right who I truly respected their opinion for many years. As a rule these people who now, in most cases, vehemently oppose Trump settled on a reason for their distaste and opposition to Trump. Basically it is that he, Trump, is a grifter. To be fair to myself as well as his many detractors, it is not like Trump came to the presidency without a whole bunch of baggage both personal and in his business dealings.

When it comes to his presidency though, the idea seems to be that Trump is not what he appears to be and has "fooled" a large portion of the right into supporting him based on a false persona. There are multiple problems with this on several levels not the least of which is that he has done pretty much what he claimed he wanted to do when he presented himself as a candidate to begin with. He has not sold himself as being one thing or having one set of policies then "swindled" us by doing something different. This by the way was my fear in 2016, I believed that he was selling us a bill of goods and when in office he would revert back to being a New York liberal, I was totally wrong. In fact in 2020 he could honestly run with the slogan of "Promises made, promises kept."

Now that we are in the middle of a tremendous upheaval about the election it would do us good to look at the true swindle that has been perpetrated on the nation these past four years. Let's begin with a three year venture into the la la land known as Russian collusion. We all know the stories that were told, that far too many of the truly gullible on the left still believe, that the elected president of the United States colluded with Vlad to win the election and worse, that he was/is a puppet to Russia. despite the most extensive efforts of what appears to have been conducted by fierce opponents of Trump, there really is no truth to this narrative. In fact we may soon find out that it was, rather than a conspiracy by the President, in fact a planned conspiracy by his opponents to destroy him and his presidency. So the question must be asked, when it comes to the Russian Collusion theory that permeated the nation's airwaves for years,

Who were the grifters?

The next big one, was the impeachment of Donald J. Trump. The most important thing that must be acknowledged and was acknowledged throughout the sordid affair, was that there was never going to be a conviction. Trump given the makeup of the Senate was never going to be removed from office. It was an exercise in political sabotage, meant only to harm Trump at the beginning of an election year.

Who were the grifters?

Given the basic facts of the "case against the President," one thing stands out above all else. What Trump asked the Ukrainian President to do was totally legal. What would have been an "abuse of power" would have been if he had asked Ukraine to investigate when there was no "there, there." But that brings us to another saga of "grifting" .

While censored from hearing about Hunter Biden's many misdeeds, including obvious influence peddling using his father's office, Trump's opponents again accused of him of misleading statements and trying to swindle his followers with a conspiracy theory. Then came obvious proof of exactly the points he was making with the exposure of Hunter's laptop, and once again the truth was ignored for a false narrative.

Who were the grifters?

These are just the larger "grifts" perpetrated in the "Trump years." Within each of these stories are countless other grifts, rumors presented and amplified as facts. Unnamed sources who are never revealed, spreading innuendo which can never be verified. A media and shadow government fanning a smoke screen of falsehoods where there was never a real fire. Reporting the next big scoop that proved to be nothing, all for the purpose of disrupting even handicapping a presidency.

Who were the grifters?

There are countless others, here are a few:

  • We were warned that moving the embassy to Jerusalem would cause the Mideast to explode which instead broke out in peace.

  • "Anonymous" the high ranking official who, with senior officials, was protecting the nation from the evil Trump, who turned out to be a low level wannabe with little access to anyone of importance.

  • Speaking of anonymous sources, how about the anonymously sourced story of how Trump disparaged dead troops on his trip commemorating the anniversary of the end of WW 1 . A story that not even one of his worst critics who was present would say was true, in fact everyone present denied it ever happened.

  • Of course there is the "very fine people on both sides" lie which from near the beginning of his Presidency tried to portray Trump as a racist. A man with countless black friends and who until he ran for President, was never considered a racist. Yet he was constantly tarred and feathered by his opponents and news media as something worse than a Klan member.

  • Remember the media's love affair with Michael Avenatti, now there was a grifter. Yet their obsession with destroying Trump was so complete, they could not even see one playing them like a fiddle.

  • Who were the grifters?

A complete list could fill up pages, and I suspect some day will but in the end, I very much expect that Trump and his family will be destroyed for daring to take on the the elites. The powers that be will not let this go unpunished, their history proves it, and to them he deserves it.

Grifters,do not risk everything for nothing in return, the Trumps have.

Who are the grifters? The same people who sit idly by, or are actively supporting the theft of a presidency and then piously call Trump a grifter.

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Writer's pictureJer

Safest Election EVAH

This is person cross referenced the Michigan voter rolls with Michigan Obituaries. Having the name,month, year of birth and county you can check your ballot to see the status of it. I believe all states have this feature for checking your registration and status of your absentee ballot etc. I actually checked the previous owner of our home a while back since we keep getting mail for her even though she died in 2016, she had been removed from the voter rolls.

On the video you will see the person, first, checking the Michigan Obituaries file-second typing the information into the voter's information to see if they are registered- third the status of their ballot.

In Michigan you can actually sign up to be on the permanent absentee ballot rolls, which means that a ballot request will automatically be sent to you. But you still have to request the ballot so who is requesting ballots for dead people? Obviously if you are dead a ballot should not be returned. Every ballot returned on this 90 minute video is very possible a voter fraud. We have no idea if the returned ballots were actually counted, they might have been disqualified. However the mere fact that all these dead person's ballots were returned means that there was a concerted effort to commit fraud.

You can pause on any screen to check it out, it goes fast.

As with all these things you find on the internet, who knows if it is all legit, on the other hand you could say that of most of what you see on the media too.

Here is the link to the site and the video itself.

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