It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.
Proverbs 25:2
“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
― Albert Einstein
My grandfather once wrote that the further our telescopes can see, the smaller our microscopes can magnify, the larger God becomes. This simple truth has always stayed with me and as I have grown older the reality of this has proved out and has been a guide post to my own faith.
It is amazing to me that people will use science to disprove God when to my eyes, science proves God. It is also disconcerting that there are those who believe in God and see the proof of God through science as somehow "sacrilegious" as if everything to know or learn about God is found in a book that has been manipulated and distorted for thousands of years. If there truly is an omnipotent God then all laws were established by God, and the more that we understand the greater God becomes.
In the end, science is no more than man defining for himself in the physical realm that which God created and controls in the spiritual one.
When science makes some new discovery, no matter how large or important, nothing new has actually been discovered at all, it has been there the entire time. You drop an object and it falls, it always has. Newton did not discover gravity he just explained it, in the same way that Columbus...or whomever, did not discover the New World, it had been there the whole time and it was nothing new at all.
All laws, all matter, all substance, well.... everything has always been here. It may change form, we may combine things to "create" new things but it all comes out of the same store house. Just as amazing, it never leaves creation. Nothing in creation vanishes from creation. It may be altered, it may take on a new form, like a solid becoming a liquid, or a liquid becoming a gas, but it never "goes away." The building blocks of creation are permanent.
Everything is permanent, as God is permanent.
If you think about it, this is why it is not so difficult to believe in eternal life. We change into a different form, a spiritual existence born out of this physical one, not unlike water becoming steam. If nothing in creation is ever truly gone, then why should we?
An example of science just being God's laws working their way in the physical world is something that has fascinated and, in one respect, has frustrated me for many years. A simple scientific principle with an alarming name which in truth is a God created miracle, everything created by God is a miracle, everything is a miracle, God is a miracle.
This particular scientific principle led me to totally discount the fear mongering over Anthropogenic Global Warming, now called "Climate Change." The scientist call this miracle, negative feedback. Because of the negative feedback of clouds and other factors, "climate change" as a potential death knell to Earth is just not possible.
Whereas positive feedback tends to lead to instability via exponential growth, oscillation or chaotic behavior, negative feedback generally promotes stability. Negative feedback tends to promote a settling to equilibrium, and reduces the effects of perturbations.
Negative feedback is no more, nor less than one of God's mechanism for keeping things from getting out of control in the physical universe. There are all kinds of these checks and balances in the physical realm, our very body is a virtual temple to negative feedback, it is what regulates us. All of creation operates within parameters established from, well the beginning, by God. Nothing is ever truly out of control, because God as established the mechanisms which control His creation, both physical and spiritual. To believe otherwise is to believe in a very weak God in which we exist in a game of chance. 'For in him we live and move and have our being.'
There is no such thing as chaos, chaos is just those things we do not understand... yet.
'For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.'
What is true in science is also true in life. People tend to believe things are "getting worse" when, as the result of negative feedback and other eternal checks and balances things are actually getting better. Well, in the long run. Remember though, the "long run" is not measured in human lifespans. Days, weeks, months, years, decades even centuries can have a bad run (in our view) but then eventually negative feedback finds the equilibrium required and we humans grow from it. We get better, we are better people, we grow in knowledge and in empathy...we evolve. If you don't believe that, truly study history. The human species is better than it has ever been, and getting better.
What is difficult to fathom, is that we are dealing with eternal principles and eternal laws not the temporal. We want everything to fit into a nice little box called "my life." But if you believe you are eternal, what is your life? In eternity there is nothing called time, it is a completely unnecessary and unused concept, there is really no life span, there are only transition points. That is if you truly believe in life ever after, eternal life.
To begin to comprehend the magnitude of forever, consider this. When you see those breathtaking images from the Hubble Space Telescope, you are not seeing what is, but rather what was, you are actually looking back in time. Amazing isn't it?
The furthest that has yet been seen into the eternal past is nine billion years, To put that in perspective, the Earth is estimated to be four to five billion years old. This gives you just a glimpse of eternity. The idea that you can look at a picture on your computer of a scene that took place five billion years before the Earth was created. The light of a distant star began traveling towards us, where it was eventually recorded four four billion years before the Earth ever was. You can look at a picture taken by an instrument created by people from a planet which did not yet exist when the scene you are seeing occurred...and that is but a blink of eternal "time."
But there is no time, in eternity, there are only events.
To put this in perspective, if you look into the night sky, with the human eye a person can only see two and a half million years back into eternity. What we can see of eternity, in the flesh, has expanded 3600x since Jesus walked the Earth. Not that it has tactually expanded but rather our ability to see it has expanded. That too is human growth, the ability to see further into eternity is mans ability to look and know God better.
This is a gift from God, through his Grace we are able to see, in our physical being, a clearer picture of the creation and its magnificence. As we learn and explore ourselves and the universe around us we grow closer to God not further away.
Surely God would not have given us these minds with the innate desire to expand our understanding, the curiosity to explore, the longing to know, if we were not meant to use them. Surely a loving God gave us these instincts that we should seek Him out, to see God more clearly.
The God of Christianity seems so small and ancient, while in truth the God we worship is so big and accessible, and by His plan, He grows both larger and more accessible as we grow to see and understand Him, through His spirit.
Christ gave us a message in the Bible but few accept it and the wise King Solomon gave us the reason why we do not, "vanity, vanity all is vanity." Of course this too God gave to us. We know that man did not create himself, though men tend to create god in their own likeness.
Rather than use the spiritual tools at our disposal most Christians listen, devoutly, to thousands of years of mashed up doctrines which are for the most part just theories more meant to entrap than free you.
These theories, these doctrines, these theocracies do not enlighten Christianity to the power and glory of the God they worship, they obscure God. They do not bring us closer to the spiritual realm of God, they keep us in bondage to the physical realm of human vanity. These doctrines do not bring us together they separate us.
Here is a simple question for you, if God truly is the God of order, why do we have thousands of denominations with differing interpretations of what we "need to do" and hundreds of different translations of our "Holy" text?
If you drop an object, it falls because God's laws dictates it so, mathematics and theories of why it does so, does not change the law which dictates that it will. God decided that, not Newton. God has the plan, not man, but in our vanity we refuse to listen. Why?
It is too simple.
God is not words in a book, God is the spirit that holds creation together and directs that creation towards God's preordained purpose. But you will never get through to a Christian without using the Bible, so I will start with this scripture, it ought to make you think, I hope it does.
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Not a lot of wiggle room is there? I know, He turned the important stuff over to you...yeah sure He did.