Beginning in my late teens and continuing into my late thirties, I "came down" with colds and the flu quite regularly. Not every year, but most years I would have a bad cold or worse, the flu. On a couple of occasions I became so ill with the flu I probably should have gone to the hospital, being young and "invincible" not to mention poor- I didn't. Then without really noticing it I stopped getting sick every year. I did develop some allergies I had not previously experienced, but my cold and flu problems basically went away.
Since then there have been numerous times where I felt like I was "coming down" with something, I know that feeling. But after a day, I'm fine again. The only thing I can attribute this to is acquired natural immunity.
I think that the idea that there is a pill for everything, that we can escape illness through medication alone is not only unrealistic, it is counterproductive. If people become so dependent on medical cures they will "evolve" to become dependent on them and their bodies will cease to protect them from the natural world in which we live. Getting "back to nature" is more than a walk in the woods, we too are nature and we too ought embrace our natural being as our first line of defense and learn to strengthen it. One of the good things that has come out of the covid pandemic is that many people are talking and learning more about the fantastic human immune system. People ought to learn to trust it more and public health officials less. The idea that people are seriously praising a vaccine for preventing them from not getting sicker than they did, when they came down with the very virus the vaccine that was sold to them was supposed to stop them from getting it in the first place is just sad. It's surrealistic.
The same people, whispers Pharma, that got millions of Americans hooked on opioids, are the same people that are now attempting to get Americans hooked on "boosters." Here is a recent headline that ought to stop every thinking person in their tracks.
Multiple Boosters May Not Offer A COVID Solution As EU Warns Of Immune System Risks
Here is the first paragraph:
As health officials wrestle with the idea of needing another COVID shot amid the surge in Omicron cases, EU regulators have warned that administering a booster to combat the virus frequently could prove to have adverse effects on the immune system.
Repeat "adverse effects on the immune system". I want to apply some critical thinking here using the current "crisis." If the first two doses of the vaccine (take your pick) do not stop a person from contracting the Omicron variant, why would a booster? The logical explanation would be that you need more antibodies because the first two doses are "wearing out."
Or as John Hopkins Website explains:
A COVID booster shot is an additional dose of a vaccine given after the protection provided by the original shot(s) has begun to decrease over time. Typically, you would get a booster after the immunity from the initial dose(s) naturally starts to wane. The booster is designed to help people maintain their level of immunity for longer.
But that would mean that any person that is recently vaccinated for the first time would be "protected" since their antibodies are, for lack of a better term "fresh." But that is not we are being told, in fact the CEO of Pfizer recently said this about his vaccine as it relates to Omicron.
"Two doses of the vaccine offers very limited protection, if any," Bourla said when asked about developing an omicron variant-specific booster. "Three doses with a booster offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and deaths," Bourla added. However, "Less protection against infection," the CEO admitted.
Sounds like four to me, but regardless, he is not making any distinction on timing here. So what does the third "booster" really do that the first two shots did not? The answer is nothing, they are for all practical purposes just more of the same. He is just feeding the addicts habit. A habit, which if the European health officials are correct will weaken the immune system the more it is taken. Proof of this? There is none (actually there is but that's another story) because there were no long term trials on these drugs, we are learning as we go and the lessons so far, based on the sales pitch versus the results, are not good.
"People don’t realize that these vaccines are vastly different from the many childhood vaccines we are now used to getting early in life. I find it shocking that the vaccine developers and the government officials across the globe are wrecklessly pushing these vaccines on an unsuspecting population."
Dr. Stephanie Seneff